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Has the newest (and littlest) member of your family brought your travel plans to a halt? With little ones, road trips can get bumpy, and flights, tumultuous, but trains are an experience they will never forget. Train rides offer kids plenty of room to have fun and trot around. Huge glass windows provide enthralling views. And fellow passengers will make sure your baby is surrounded by friendly ‘aunties’ and ‘uncles’. So, here’s how you can make your little one’s first train ride smooth:
The train is on schedule, but is your baby?
Do not disrupt your little one’s sleep and feeding schedules. While slight changes in their schedule are unavoidable, it is a good idea to book a journey that matches your baby’s schedule. If the time of the train clashes with your baby’s feeding time, feed him beforehand so he doesn’t get hungry and starts crying. PS. If you have been planning to switch to solid foods, hold on till you’re back from your trip.
Get the essentials in!

Packing your child’s bag with the below essentials should be number one on your to-do list:
- Her Favourite Toy.
- Bibs to avoid spills as you will be feeding her in a moving train.
- Nursing shawl/cover to breastfeed in the train.
- Extra diapers.
- Extra pair of clothes and warm clothes if train is air-conditioned.
- A First Aid box (the box should have medicines for fever, cold, congestion, ear infection, nasal saline drops, wipes, thermometer, antiseptics, bandages and cotton).
Consult your pediatrician first!
Please visit your pediatrician a few days prior to your holiday. Check if there are any vaccines that need to be taken. If your child has a history of allergy, motion sickness or digestion problems, your doctor will recommend the medication needed for the trip.
Carry your baby in style!

Here’s a pro parent tip: Ditch your baby’s stroller/pram and always consider wearing your baby in a sling or a carrier instead. This will allow you to be hands-free and ready to help others in the train if need be.
So parents, got interesting stories about your kid’s first train journey to share? Let us know in the comments below.
This post is also available in: English