Meet the world’s most temperamental supermodels: BABIES!


This post is also available in: English বাংলা (Bengali)

Smart mum – “Beta say cheese!”

Moody toddler – “No Mama, jam please!”

Clicking pics of your babies and toddlers is never easy. As their (self-appointed) paparazzi we know how difficult it is to make them stay in one place and catch that angelic smile before something else catches their attention. And then there’s the lighting, the right angle, the perfect setting to think of…

Well, this blog is here to solve your problems in a ‘snap’! Here are some tips to capture great pics:

Keep them calm and happy

Does your little one throw big temper tantrums before a pic? Maybe he/she isn’t rested! Before going on a click-athon, make sure that your baby has had a nap, has been fed and is wearing comfortable clothes and a dry diaper.  

Natural light is always right! 

A sudden flash of light can overwhelm your cherub. Our advice: avoid the flash and let in some daylight! As an interesting filter idea, you can allow some light to pass through a netted basket and fall on your baby’s face.

Attention, yes. Tension, no.

Off-camera shenanigans can put your baby in a really good mood for on-camera moments. Make faces. Let out weird sounds. Exaggerate your body movements. Call nani and nana to join the BTS action! And then watch your baby chuckle, grin and give you the cutest expressions as you click away. Instagram, here we come.

What’s in a frame?

Avoid shooting against bright or dull walls. Choose a white or off-white wall or drape a white sheet over a few chairs, and voila, the ideal backdrop is ready! Just don’t forget to edit out any unwanted objects that get in the frame.     

Prop it like a pro!

Props are the tops and really get your pictures to pop. Your baby’s favourite teddy bear or toy truck will provide him comfort and add some storytelling to the frame! You can even make your baby wear a garland, place a few wooden letter blocks besides her or make her sit in a basket or a box!

That’s it from us smart mums. Please get busy clicking and post your pictures on social media with #ReadySteadyClick and don’t forget to tag us. May all your efforts be picture-perfect!  

This post is also available in: English বাংলা (Bengali)


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